Spring Clean Your Mind: CBD and Mindfulness Practices for Mental Clarity

As the days grow longer and the air gets warmer, it’s time to shed those winter blues and embrace the new cycle ahead. Spring is a time for renewal, growth, and seasonal change so it’s the perfect opportunity to dust off those cobwebs and find your inner clarity. With a little help from CBD, some mindfulness practices, and a positive, can-do attitude, declutter your mind to start the season feeling your best. 

Move aside Marie Kondo. Let’s refresh, reset, reenergize, so we can welcome new opportunities.

Mindfulness Practices for Mental Clarity

Let’s kickstart your mental spring cleaning with some mindfulness practices that can help you find more peace and balance.

Carve out some time everyday to focus on your breathing. Even if it’s just a few minutes, this is your time. Not sure where to start? Simply close your eyes and focus on being present in that moment; what are the sounds around you, what is your body saying to you; how do you feel today. If you need a little more structure, try a guided meditation app. We particularly love Headspace and Calm.

Start your day with some sun salutations. Combining breathwork and movement allows for a blissful, stress-free experience. The joy with yoga is that there are varying styles and everyone is always encouraged to go at their own pace, no matter their level of experience (or flexibility). These days, there are a ton of virtual yoga classes or YouTube teachers to choose from so no doubt you will find something that suits you and your level. We’ve worked with Mary-Beth La Rue in the past so check her out if this is all too new for you.

Unleash your inner wordsmith. Write freely and let your heart pour onto the page. Journaling has been known to help gain mental clarity, process your thoughts, and track your goals. Be sure to write a to-do list, and don’t forget to tick off tasks you’ve accomplished. This will not only de-clutter your mind, and put your thoughts into order, but it will also give you a sense of achievement. We love Papier’s Wellness Journals. Their vibrant covers can be personalized for an item that is perfectly yours.

In a world that’s always connected, taking time to disconnect and recharge is more important than ever. Set aside an hour each day to step away from the screen. Not sure what to do instead? Why not pick up a book, go for a long walk in nature, or explore other relaxing activities that soothe your soul.

CBD for Mindfulness

CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which helps regulate various physiological and cognitive processes, including mood, stress response, and sleep. When incorporated into a mindfulness practice, CBD can help promote calm in the mind and improve focus as it may help nudge us into homeostasis while alleviating the emotional and physical responses to stressful stimuli. 

To incorporate CBD into your mindfulness routine, try our BALANCE Everyday CBD Tincture before your meditation or yoga practice. You can also add our GLOW Full-Spectrum CBD Care Capsules to your daily routine to help soothe your mind and let the best you glow! If you’re interested in trying CBD to help boost cognitive function, we always recommend you speak to your trusted healthcare provider first. CBD can pose potential drug interactions, making this critical especially if you’re already taking medication. 

Welcome the fresh start of spring and embrace the opportunity to cleanse your mind. It’s time to give yourself the gift of mental clarity, balance and harmony.