We women are complex beings from our heads to our toes. When it comes to our reproductive systems, it’s just as beautifully intricate and hardworking as the rest of us. In broad strokes, our reproductive cycle doesn’t just impact our baby-making stuff, it also plays a big part in our health from start to finish. 

You might only pay attention to your ovaries if you’re trying to get pregnant or perhaps have a chronic condition that affects them but in truth, they keep this whole womanhood thing on the road. This includes being home to our eggs, releasing them during ovulation, producing the sex hormones (AKA estrogen and progesterone) we need to stay fit and healthy. I mean, seriously, they are busy. 

By showing our ovaries some love, we can help our physical wellness in the big picture and reduce the risk of conditions that can affect them (more on that later). Also, it’ll help keep our hormones balanced, which is essential for just about everything. There are lots of simple ways to do all this, which comes down to lifestyle, nutrition first and foremost, but our ears are permanently pricked when we hear studies showing promising studies on CBD for ovarian health and women’s wellness. 

Read on to find out how you can care for your ovaries and ergo, look after your full body health, and how the different strands of nutrition, lifestyle, and CBD can slot together.

Getting to Know Your Ovaries

You probably know that when it comes to the female anatomy, we have two ovaries, and they look like two little almonds. Seriously, they are that small and about that shape. These two little nubbins can have issues, just like any other parts of our bodies. 

Here’s a rundown of some to put you in the picture: 

  • Ovarian Cysts: In physical terms, cysts are little sacs filled with fluid and these can pop up inside or on the surface of the ovary. This often coincides with ovulation and is pretty common. You might have some now and you don’t even know it! Because mostly they don’t present a problem and they disappear the same mysterious way they came. Some though, do come with mild to more obvious or even serious symptoms. This is less common and usually happens if one gets ruptured. In these sorts of cases, you might get pain in your pelvic area, or bloating. Fever and vomiting are also rare but possible, and you should immediately seek medical help if that’s going on. 
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Fact check – PCOS affects 1 in 10 women of reproductive age. Yes, it’s that common! So, if you have PCOS, you’re not alone. On a bodily function level, this is when an imbalance of reproductive hormones has a knock-on effect on your overall ovarian health. This can include getting the timings of your monthly egg release out of whack and this in turn can cause infertility or cysts (look above for that one). If you have PCOS you may experience an irregular menstrual cycle along with more facial or body hair, or hair loss. It may also lead to skin conditions like acne, darkening of skin, skin tags, or weight gain.
  • Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI): You might not have heard of POI, but you’ve come across the term early menopause and these two things are the same. Cue the lackluster libido or painful sex, body sweats and hot flashes, and grumpiness, not to mention the out-of-whack menstrual cycle. On a basic level, this is when your ovaries either release fewer eggs, do what’s called an abnormal egg release, or the levels of sex hormones get out of balance. If this happens and you’re under 40, it’s known as POI, but this is a catch-all for a whole raft of root causes ranging from infections to genetic conditions, a hormone imbalance, and autoimmune disease. Lifestyle factors can play a part too, such as eating disorders and toxins.   
  • Ovarian Cancer: Every woman winces at the mention of the Big C. If you’re like us, this makes us want to put our fingers in our ears and start singing, but listen up, because understanding the symptoms and the risks is so important. On a simple medical level, ovarian cancer is the growth of cells in your ovaries, when they multiply at a rate of knots and go on the rampage, attacking healthy body tissue. There are certain known risk factors, including some we can’t influence, such as older age and genetics or endometriosis. Hormone replacement therapy and never experiencing pregnancy can be risk factors too, along with obesity. If you’re wondering what the symptoms can be, these range from slightly vague types like back pain and fatigue to more obvious signs such as abdominal bloating, feeling full quickly during mealtimes, and losing weight. You may also notice discomfort in your pelvis, the constant need to pee, and changes in your bowel movements.  


We know, it’s super scary to talk about things like this, and if you have a Doctor Google moment, you can send yourself into a spin. That’s no better than ignoring obvious signs, so the simple and powerful advice is this – if you are concerned about any symptoms, contact your doctor or OBGYN straightaway.  

Along with this, scheduling regular pelvic exams will both detect any early warning signs and give you peace of mind. So, keep on top of those and make friends with your OBGYN visits, because that’s where your entire reproductive health system, not just your ovaries, are given the important once over.


Taking the Right Steps for Enhancing Ovarian Health

Away from the worst-case scenario, if you’re in good health that’s no excuse to ignore your ovaries. They still need ongoing support and TLC to help keep you in full fitness overall, and this can be done with a few lifestyle tweaks. If we think that everything in our reproductive, let alone our health is linked, this approach makes total sense. Here are some simple steps to bear in mind.

This isn’t rocket science. If you want to feel well, you need to fuel your body with the right stuff. That doesn’t mean you have to get into counting macros or necessarily going on a diet (unless you need to lose some weight, and we’ve all been there), but working in some of the good stuff and edging out more of the bad is worth it, trust us. Look out for goodies like whole food diets with complete proteins, healthy fats, and food laden with antioxidants. Thinking about what kinds of food you already eat and what they give you is a good start. If you figure out that there are some holes in your nutrition, you can always take supplements to help you bolster your nutrients, but remember, these alone aren’t a substitute for a healthy diet.

Vitamin A

Be prepared to be amazed, because, among its other powers, vitamin A is a busy nutrient that kickstarts the cellular growth (AKA meiosis) needed to make eggs. Get this, it may also reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. All in all, that makes it crucial to ovarian health. Where can you find this mega vitamin? It’s in eggs, milk, carrots, pumpkin, and liver (if you like that kind of thing).


What the heck is selenium? This one is an essential mineral and it’s important in an ovary context because it stimulates an antioxidant called glutathione and this battles oxidative damage in tissues. So, it’s kind of a healthy chain reaction thing that keeps everything nice and healthy, and yes, it may reduce the ovarian cancer risk too. Foods with selenium run from your easy-to-grab eggs and whole grains, also meat, shellfish, and Brazil nuts.  

Vitamin D

If you’re going to focus on your vits, vitamin D crops up as an essential time again. It does so much around the body, it’s hard to count, getting busy with our immune system, bone health and more. In our ovaries, vitamin D does something special to the anti-Mullerian hormone, which is linked to our fertility. It also works in line with the healthy workings of progesterone in the ovaries and follicle stimulation. Phew, that’s a lot of work, right? It can also help women with PCOS, so check that one out. Foods to stock up on here are egg yolks, salmon, and mushrooms, and if that doesn’t float your boat, bag a supplement. 


It doesn’t get as much attention as vitamins like A and D, but this seriously vital nutrient is integral to a whole load of systems within the body, including, you guessed it, your reproductive system. If we’re talking facts, it’s also massively overlooked, with as many as 50% of the US population being deficient in it. And while we’re knee-deep in facts, studies also show that women deficient in it are 19 times more likely to have PCOS. Head blown? If you’re deficient you might experience things like anxiety, sleep problems, fatigue, and headaches, so there’s more to this story too. You can top up on it through foods like pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cashews, and spinach.  

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Everyone’s heard about the brain-healthy promise of omega-3 fatty acids, but how about its potential to help our ovaries? Well, those cool fatty acids act as a protector against oxidative damage for starters, which we know is bad for tissue. It is also linked to healthy cell activity and membrane fluidity. Some studies also point towards its potential to help with the implantation of fertilized embryos, which we know, means a higher chance of getting pregnant. Find your dose of ovary loving omega 3’s in fatty fish, think salmon and even oysters. Other non-fishy sources include chia and pumpkin seeds.

As we know, certain lifestyle hitches like our weight, for example, can impact our reproductive health, as well as make us feel less than zingy overall. Put it like this, and we owe it to our ovaries, along with the rest of our bodies, to stay active and healthy. Remember, a healthy lifestyle also helps to balance your hormones, which all ties into the bigger well-being picture too. Studies have linked obesity to PCOS and ovarian cancer, and as this illness is related to hormone levels, you can see why it’s so important to try and influence good habits and a healthy body where we can.     

Something that can fly under the wellness radar with us all at times is stress, and this too can get your hormones in a muddle, impacting your reproductive health. Left unchecked chronic stress can mess up your cortisol levels (neatly dubbed the stress hormone) and this, in turn, works kinks into the messaging system between ovaries and brain, giving your menstrual cycle a nudge in the wrong direction. 

All this is to say that we need to take care of ourselves. Reach for those tools that work for you, be it yoga, meditation, working out or even better, a combo of things like this. Therapy is always an option too if you need extra support.

The Endocannabinoid System and Ovaries

The endocannabinoid system plays a vital role within the female reproductive system. Cannabinoid receptors have been found within the ovaries, with studies finding some of the mechanisms by which endocannabinoid signaling can impact ovarian function. Endogenous cannabinoids, also known as endocannabinoids, like anandamide (AEA) are believed to play a role in ovarian follicle and oocyte maturity. While data suggests that AEA is produced in the ovary and has a role in folliculogenesis, preovulatory follicle maturation, and ovulation, the exact source and role of the endocannabinoid in ovaries remains unclear. Scientists hypothesize that endocannabinoid dysfunction or irregularity may stimulate the development of certain ovarian disorders like PCOS.


CBD for Ovarian Disorders

The data available on CBD treatment for ovarian disorders is very limited at this time but anecdotal accounts and preliminary studies support promising symptom support for the following:

CBD has been celebrated for its encouraging pain relief properties shown through both preliminary and clinical trials. While ovarian cysts are commonly asymptomatic, those that do experience pelvic pain and bloating may use CBD for natural relief. One study found that stress is linked to the development of ovarian cysts. CBD may be used as a tool for stress management, helping support the ovaries and overall wellness in a variety of ways.

Tip: Our Indulgent Bath Salts might work out any pain kinks before you double-whammy the effects by massaging our Restore Deep Relief Full-Spectrum Cream to your lower abdominal area.

PCOS has complex connections with insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, and cortisol levels. Research shows that CBD may improve insulin resistance and offer therapeutic value for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic syndrome. There is also data that supports CBD’s ability to modulate cortisol output, helping alleviate stress. While PCOS requires a comprehensive treatment plan, CBD may offer additional support when used alongside treatment and under doctor supervision.

Tip: Take time out with our Invigorating Chai Tea with its promising benefits for insulin resistance and stress management.

POI shares many symptoms with menopause. It may offer symptom relief for certain side effects of this condition like hot flashes, irritability, insomnia, and painful intercourse. Studies show CBD’s promising abilities for helping achieve better sleep, relieving anxiety, and more.

Tip: One step at a time here! And if your sex life needs some TLC, try using our Love Intimacy Spray to help alleviate pain and enhance sensual experiences.

The data on CBD cancer treatment is widely in its infancy but we expect to see emerging research within the next decade or so. Current anecdotal accounts show encouraging CBD benefits for helping soothe certain symptoms of ovarian cancer treatment. CBD may offer alleviation from pain, nausea, anxiety, and seizures which are some of the common side effects of ovarian cancer as well as its treatments. Make sure to always discuss this with your doctor first.

How to Use CBD for Ovarian Health

Finding ways to manage any ovarian disorder is the key to your wellness, but note this, you should always speak to a healthcare professional first and foremost because they are serious medical conditions.

Teacher voice aside, it’s important to know that there are ways to feel better, with the right advice from your doctor or OBGYN. If you’d like to try CBD products, speak to them, and get their take on how CBD can work with your overall plan, which should run from your lifestyle habits to your diet.

We know that cannabinoid therapy isn’t a one size fits all thing, and self-experimentation is recommended to help you find your perfect balance. When it comes to quirky factors like stress and anxiety, or pain, we advise you to start with a low dose and build it if needed to feel the benefit. Another expert tip is to keep a journal to track how you’re getting on with effects and dose along with your lifestyle changes, especially for areas like this and metabolic needs, where you can also keep stock of your diet and exercise.



Press Pause CBD for Ovarian Health

Just know that when you use Press Pause products, they are all crafted by women like you, that understand the beautifully complicated nuances of our bodies. We also know first-hand the challenges we face in our unique body chemistry, including our reproductive and ovarian health. Our handcrafted, premium CBD is designed with all that in mind, and we are always on hand to help you find the right products to improve your overall female wellness support. Shop our sexual wellness products or contact us any time for more information.